"The Love of a Gypsy Moth
for a Hundred Watt Bulb"

by Chris Duffecy

...Oh, how she adored HIM...
Banging into HIM with such abandon, hour after hour...
She just LOVED to be in HIS glow...
...Wow!... A HUNDRED WATTS!!!
It said so, right on the top of his beautiful, glowing head...

Banging into HIM, she was dancing to the music
that only she could hear in her little moth head...
Oh, how she adored HIM!!!

But, after a while, she began to wonder
if HE wasn’t paying her enough attention,
banging into HIM as she was, night after night...
And HE did seem to be seeing some other “little-hussy-moths”...

Thus it was, that feeling her Lover to be less than responsive,
to her more than overt advances,
she devised a plan to make HIM jealous...
So, spotting a long, purple-ish, blue-black glow in the distance,
she fluttered off in the direction of this enticing new light,
Cheatin’ on her mind.
But, unbeknownst to her, it would be an ill-fated affair...

Gypsy probably should have turned back,
or at least have stopped to think for a moment,
when she first smelled the strange odor...
Something burning...
But, she was single minded, and kept right on flying...
Cheatin’ on her little moth mind...

Flying on...

Even when she heard the strange sound...
Kind of like a sharp CRACKLE, mixed with a short SCREAM...
And the smell was much stronger now, somehow familiar...

Flying on...

Well, she’d show HIM... A HUNDRED WATTS!!! -- HA!!!
...And, her new Lover seemed to radiate
a particularly attractive, purple glow...
Having been a manipulative,
mind-game playing little Gypsy Moth BITCH for most
of her life, she KNEW how to make HIM jealous!!!

...Almost there...
...MMMMMM... Purple... Ultra-Violet!

Was she ever gonna BANG into this guy!!!
...But, what was that SMELL?
And, maybe NOW she was having SECOND THOUGHTS...
Perhaps she shouldn’t go through with this,
perhaps she should turn back, she thought,
as she hit the ELECTRIFIED GRID...
The LOUD, SHARP, CRACKLE drowning out her short SCREAM...
...And for the fleetingest moment,
she knew what the smell was...
...It was...

©1998-2009 Christopher James Duffecy

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