Wolfmuzik Productions - For Unique and Compelling Scores, Soundtracks and Custom Music.
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          At Wolfmuzik Productions, we are completely dedicated to imagining, conceiving and producing a signature sound, a unique and compelling score for each and every one of our clients - like Disney, IBM, ESPN, Truth, CNN, Adidas, FOX, Mini Cooper and PBS - all while using the most advanced technology available today.

          Wolfmuzik understands that production budgets vary by project. Steve Wolf's formal and affiliated studies prepare Wolfmuzik for any level of live performance in the underscore, from a solo performance, up to a full orchestra and hundred voice choir.

          We have also invested heavily in the highest quality orchestral samples, indigenous instrument samples and customized original sounds so that, even with smaller production budgets, add-on costs for live instrumentalists may be controlled to any degree desired.

          Please feel free to explore this site and learn more.

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